Welcome to « Le Dojo »
Welcome to « le Dojo », in Toulouse and Albi.
Le Dojo was created in 1982.
Dojo means « Room of the Way »
The aim of Le Dojo, is to be engaged in the way of Aïkido and Tai ji quan. (Tai chi chuan)
It is a place of training, research, and investigations.
It is also a place of conviviality and communication.
It furthermore welcomes other activities, which all are in accord with the ethic of the place.
The word Dojo « place of edification », comes from the Sanskritt bodhimanda « place where the Self with ego, becomes without ego ».
(Taitetsu Unno- From the book From Kishomaru Ueshiba- The spirit of Aïkido).
The teaching
Aïkido lessons are taught by Joël Chemin, 6th Dan Aïkikai, of Tokyo.
He is a state qualified teacher.
Joël Chemin began Aïkido in 1974, in the Aïkikaï, in Tokyo. He stayed there for 7 years. Back in France, he teaches in Albi and Toulouse.
He met Hikitsuchi Michio Sensei (1919-2004), 10th dan of Aïkido in japan. And regularly followed his teaching in Japan and in France (see « From the road to the Way »).
The Dojo is affiliated to the « Association Française d’dAïkido Traditionnel du Japon « .