From the pospect towards the eye…
To the Taoist
- man is the exact replica of the cosmos. Man is the reflection of everything that happens in the universe.
- everything is governed by Qi (1).
Life is based on the work out of the Qi.
- on the one hand as an indivisible whole
- on the other hand in close relationship with the whole universe through an interdependent relationship.
The Qi of the Univers – Macrocosmos
Originally there is Dao or Supreme Principle. Once Dao is activated it is called primordial Qi. The prominent Qi being extremely subtle changes into other Qi‘s forms more abstract. The world and beings who populate it derive from all the different Qi‘s.
Man’s Qi – Microcosmos
One man’s conception he receives a reflection of this Principle, that is the original breath of life or supreme human Qi. From Dao to the making of the world and its beings there follows a continuous breaking down which gradually turns unity into multiplicity. To find unity again is brought by gradually, with the help of the Qi.
Therefore by practising Qi man is led to the re-discovery of his original nature and the rebirth of unity.
Such is the aim or Aikido and Tai Ji Quan : by means of the Qi, trying to achieve the « Dao » of the Taoist or « Heaven » of Confucianist, the « True Nature » or the « Awakening » of the Buddhist, the « Takemusu Aiki » of the founder of Aikido : O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.
This returning allows man to identify himself with the Absolute Principle.
If you want Qi to be effective, whichever way you choose, you will have to let go of any mental or physical stress, whilst striving for the perfect movement.
The main purpose of Aikido (a Japanese martial art) is not to stop or throw down an opponent who is trying to stop or grab you but How you do it: the way you stand so you can’t be hit by your opponent is the key and your constant goal when you practise Aikido (2). Thus freed your Ki (1) can be activated.
Aikido can be practised by anybody whatever age or sex.
TAIJI QUAN (Taïchi Chuan)
Originally Chinese, it mostly consists in building up Qi (1) throughout the body. It consists of a series of slow movements (derived from martial arts), according to specific rules. In our TAI JI (3), we pay a great deal of attention to the existence in our body of YAO*, an energetic point. Through regular practise this point becomes more and more fine and turns into a powerful drive.
It is the key point of the body, it directs the Qi (Ki). « Erecting one’s Yao means building up a central line of truth or force. One reaches this point by practising one’s Qi.
« In 1977, when staying in Shanghai, master Gu Meisheng said to me: « YAO is present in every martial art ! » Since then, I have aimed towards the search for Yao in Aikido. »
(1) QI or KI (Chinese pronounce TCHI » – Japanese pronounce « KI »): is a kind of fluid circulating in the body, it is a nourishing energy and a source of strength and power in the practise of the martial art of the « inner school ». Qi also means energy and fuel of life.
(2) Joel Chemin started practising Aikido at the Aikidai in Tokyo in 1974. He stayed there for seven years. After coming back to France he taught in Toulouse and Albi. During this time he met HIKITSUCHI Michio Sensei (1919-2004), 10th He has followed his teaching both in France and Japan. Joel Chemin ranks 6th dan at the Aikikai of Tokyo.
(3) Annie and Joel Chemin started practising Tai Ji Quan with master Yang Ming Shi in Japan. Subsequently they received the teachings on master GU Meisheng (1926-2003) in Shanghai.